Cuts and Strips

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Over the years, I began to develop my own philosophy regarding streamlining techinques where ever I could.  The videos below are a good example of where this process led.  Early on, blocks were very methodical, almost by the numbers, and in some respects, plodding.  As is the case with everything, the more you practice, the better you get at it, and that was the case with my own technique.  What started out as slow and laborious, became quick and efficient.  My own instructors, particularly Master Archibeque, made it clear that proficiency wasn’t enough. I had to keep pushing the envelope, and to leave behind something which improved upon what was originaly given to me.  This overview of Cuts and Strips is one example of how that process became a reality.

Cuts and Strips #1


Cuts and Strips #2


Cuts and Strips #3


Cuts and Strips #4


Cuts and Strips #5


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