About Us

DonationsWelcome to the Iron Crane Dojo!  By way of introduction, my name is Bill Mc Cabe, and I am the Webmaster (Web Sensei?) for the Iron Crane Dojo.  You should  know up front I’ve spent a large part of my seven decades researching, studying and participating in the many styles of martial arts. I think it would be fair to say, anyone who knows me would state without reservation I am one heckuva student.  In other words, I claim nothing else, but that I, like you, am a student of the martial arts, love them all, have incorporated them into every aspect of my life, and look forward to sharing the experience with you.  So saddle up some of those dancing electrons and come on in!

Just so you know, we have been on line since the dawn of the internet. Even before Youtube, we were posting videos and running live streams. From day one, we wanted a site free of advertisements, and the associated trance inducing flashing ads and pop ups. We have never waivered on this, even though our cash flow has remained negative. Suffice it to say, we were among the first anywhere to be doing any of this and are proud of the achievement.  More than a million of you have spent time with us.

The site is no longer being updated and expanded on a regular basis.  There are occasional changes and additions, but only as finances permit.  If you have any questions about how you can use the site or view its exhibits, please check
Terms of Use

Though I am the editor, and major contributor to the site, you should know there was in fact a physical Iron Crane Dojo whose students and teachers played a major role in producing and compiling the exhibits you see, including photographs, videos, etc.  We are further graced by the artwork and drawings of Rene Knarreborg, a long time friend and collaborator whose work breathes life into the farthest reaches of this site.  The calligraphy you see in the backgrounds was drawn by Eva Wasielewski, a “niece” in my extended family.  Many of the amazing backgrounds on our pages are inspired by or downloaded from HarmWare (Don’t be put off by the name. “Harm” is the creator’s nickname. Google it if you’re curious.)

We plan to continue as long as finances permit, and when relevant, will update, modify, or add to as appropriate. We welcome contributions of articles, etc. from our visitors, and if you’d like to be a content contributor to the site, please e-mail the editor by clicking here .    If your submission is accepted, it is with the understanding that the consideration to you is the exposure and notoriety gained from publication on this site.  By submitting to this site, you are making a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide, unrestricted license to use, copy, edit, transmit and distribute the submitted pages and/or content on this Web Site and/or its successors.  You will remain the Copyright holder of your submission, and may use, sell, and distribute your submission in other fashions as you see fit.

Finally, you’ll note we are free of advertising.  This site does involve continuing expenses, and we offset those expenses through your kind donations and our limited sales.  It has been a tough road, and our continuance is no longer assured.

Always remember that martial arts, like any rigorous course of activity, presents the risk of injury, sometimes serious, disabling, or even fatal.  It should only be undertaken under the direct supervision of a Black Belt instructor, and only after you have been cleared by your personal physician. 

Thanks for dropping in.  Enjoy yourself!  Click here to e-mail me.

Please...if you like coming, lend your support!  If you benefit from what you find here, show your appreciation with a contribution.  Doing so will assure our continued presence on line, and expansion into new areas of interest over time.  We have many plans and ideas for the future, but will require significant upgrades in video recording equipment, software and computer hardware, on top of the increasing expenses for web volume and throughput.  As it stands, we are extended to the limit of available resources.

Cast your vote with a donation!  WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!

Please note that Iron Crane Dojo is not a “not for profit” organization.  Donations are not tax deductible.  Whether you able to donate or not, please understand you will remain our friend and continue to be welcomed at Iron Crane Dojo.

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Copyright 2000-2025, Mc Cabe and Associates, Tacoma, WA.  All rights reserved.  No part of this site can be used, published, copied or sold for any purpose, except as per Terms of Use .