Demonstrations #1

We apologize for the poor quality of the video(s) on this page.  These have been extracted from dated archives which were degraded and of poor quality.  Currently, these are the best available images.  We share them in that spirit, believing it better to show what we have available than to permanently delete the page.

Grabs From the Front

1. Grab to the wrist/sleeve:

Examples of Striking Responses

Examples of Breaking Responses

Grab to Sleeve at Wrist

Setting up Basic Throws

2. Grab to the elbow/sleeve:

Grab to Sleeve at Elbow

3. Grab to the side at rib cage:

The Prayer Hand Release

Grab to Side at Rib Cage.

4. Grab to either front shoulder:

Straight Grab to Shoulder.

Grab to Opposite Shoulder.

5. Grab to the chest:

Straight Grab to Chest.

Lifting Grab to Chest

6. Grab to the waist:

Grab at Waist Level

Grab at Waist Level (Inverted Hand)

7. Grab to the hair:

Grab to Hair

8. Grab with both hands to the chest:

Two Hands Grabbing at Chest

9. Two handed front choke:

Two Handed Front Choke

10. Front head lock:

Defending Against Front Head Lock

11. Hip throw defenses:

Hip Throw Defenses

12. Shoulder throw defenses:

Basic Throw Defenses (same as above)

13. Grab to both arms (Front and Rear):

Grab to Both Arms from Front

Grab to Both Arms from Rear

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