We present this form for two
reasons. First, to emphasize the importance of
creativity and thought in the evolution of martial
arts. Second, to show how this form evolved from a
simple street fighting drill into a complete
multi-dimensional exercise.
The original inspiration for “Mantis” was
Steve Armstong’s
elbow strike drill. For more detailed information
on this, and other Isshinryu drills, click here.
It was the mid 1980’s when the elbow strike drill
migrated into our system. It fit in with
everything we were doing at the time, and
someone questioned why the sequence had never found its
way into Kata. I suggested we could remedy that
easily enough, and suggested we could, as a group,
create a form incorporating all 8 of the elbow strikes
into a legitimate fighting sequence.
It took about three months. Not
only did each move have to stand on its own. It
had to fit into the whole tapestry of what was
happening. That’s the trick, and it’s what
distinguishes all great Kata from the commonality of
rote drills.
For the class, it was sometimes a trying
period. For every idea presented, they would be
challenged to prove it was the “right” move
recognizing the entire context of movement.
In Gun Fu, we don’t take Kata for
granted. The premise is that most great forms were
created directly by, or under the personal guidance of
masters. For that reason, when something about a
traditional form doesn’t make sense, you are told to
practice more, and explore it further. I can vouch
from personal experience that some forms required 20
years diligent practice before revealing their secrets.
Mantis is unique in its simplicity, and
sophistication. This is a multi-dimensional form
covering joint locks, traps, evasions, dislocations,
deadly strikes, throws, pressure point attacks, poison
hand techniques, chi breathing, and more...and...it also
includes the 8 elbow strike drill from Isshinryu.
From us to you...please enjoy our dance
of the “Mantis.”