Reading Intent
The ethos of Gun Fu is to
attack only as a last resort. The authority of Gun Fu is
in defense. Until there is an attacker, the art of
Gun-Fu does not manifest. This attitude is not uncommon
in the world of the martial arts. Funakoshi emphasized,
"There is no first move in karate."
There is a Tai Chi adage "If
an opponent doesn't move, you don't move. If the
opponent moves, you move first."
These diverse schools of
thought recognize that within the metrics of an attack,
openings unfold once the attack is committed, and work
to the advantage of the defender. In the old days,
Master Archibeque would spend entire classes
demonstrating how, once the attacker commits to enter,
openings begin to materialize for the defender. Aikido
Master Morihei Ueshiba is reported to have moved like a
spirit-being when neutralizing an attack. Stories
abound, and even today video of his movement can be
found on the Internet driving home the point that one
who understands this most basic dynamic, and is able to
respond effectively, appears almost transcendent.
Alas, skills like these do not
come without their price. Like Ueshiba, those who have
them have developed them over a lifetime of commitment
to discipline, humility, nonviolence, compassion, and
awareness. In case you haven't noticed, these traits are
on a downward spiral. Nowadays, when a teacher enters a
class and emphasizes the attributes of discipline,
humility, nonviolence, compassion and awareness, the
students receptiveness to their significance is along
the lines of "Yeah teach, we hear you, go ahead and pick
one, we'll give it our best"
The objective is to read
intent. Reading intent is the holy Grail of skills in
the martial path. Understand, anybody can sense intent
at some primal level. To master the skill, you must be a
complete human being. The road to actualizing your
essential nature is through discipline, humility,
nonviolence, compassion and awareness. Generally, that
achievement takes decades. Once you are there, with
proper guidance you might develop and perfect the skill
of "reading intent ."
While within the context of
this article, we can't get you to the end destination,
we can certainly give you a sense of what it means to
recognize, develop and nurture "intent awareness." The
drills we're going to share with you are inspired by
exercises common to Tai Chi, where proficiency in push
hand drills requires mastery in sensing intent.
To keep things basic, we're
going to isolate and categorize two particular types of
Respecting the tradition of
Tai Chi Chuan, we will borrow their terminology in
defining these energies for our purposes. They are:
"An" -- we'll think of this
generally as the energy of pushing. For example, take a
solid stance, face a wall, put your hands against the
wall, and push. In tai chi, this is sometimes visualized
as a downward energy. Here, we'll just think of it as
the energy of pushing. It is important for the arms and
body to move as a single unit, and we should think of
pushing along those lines. This is a much bigger concept
than the pushing you do when pushing something like a
car (biochemical or muscular energy). To develop "An" to
its full potential, you should presuppose all the
molecules in your body are turning in the same
direction, at the same time, unleashing their energy
like a whip toward the target. Nothing interferes with
your intent!
"Peng" -- this is the energy
of repulsion. Peng bounces incoming energy back in the
direction from which it came. It denotes strength,
power, literally boundless energy, like an inflated ball
(if you want to feel it first hand, take an inflated
basketball, put it down on the sidewalk, bend over and
punch it, just as if you were breaking a board, or a
brick). In the human form, it is expansive, like a
balloon, and starts at the ground, works through the
waist, and releases through the arm(s) back to the
opponent. A master of Peng can send an attacker airborne
with what appears to be little more than a touch. Of
course, looks can be deceiving. A touch from a feather
doesn't look all that much different than the touch of a
sledge hammer. . . but of course, it is. The touch of a
sledge hammer can crack a skull. It's still a touch mind
Drill #1 (Slow Load)
To save time, we're going to
introduce you to An and Peng by having you view the
first drill. As in many exercises, you have a conceptual
attacker, and a conceptual defender. In fact, the
partners are working as friends, each trying to help the
other perfect his/her skill. Always keep in mind, this
is cooperative, not competitive. The attacker initiates
action, the defender responds. The attacker enters with
An, the defender responds with Peng. The object in the
drill is for the defender to respond with Peng as soon
as he or she senses the incoming An. At this basic
level, the attacker introduces An with a slow gradual
increase in load. The defender responds accordingly.
Here, sensing intent is easy, and you develop a base of
confidence, and awareness of what to be looking for when
you proceed to the next exercises.
to Slow & Heavy Load
The object of this exercise,
over time, is to develop within the defender, the
ability to read the attacker's intent, merely by touch.
While Drill #1 is quite basic, it is the necessary
starting point for developing this important ability.
The objective over time is for the defender to
neutralize the attacker even as the attacker pushes
quickly, with force and conviction. More specifically,
at its evolved level, the defender responds with an
effective Peng, before the An is fully actualized. In
effect, Peng supersedes the An and becomes the dominant
energy, literally propelling the attacker backward in
the instant before An is launched. That's reading
Here also, An is executed with
increasing load (eventually increasing the load to the
maximum tolerable) In other words, the attacker pushes
slow, as in the previous drill, but really tries to push
the defender back and over. The Peng is executed
assertively. By necessity, the defender incorporates an
awareness of deeper rooting into the response. You may
be familiar with the Kua. That is the inguinal crease
between your lower body and the upper part of your legs.
Opening this crease, generally by floating the hips
outward, greatly facilitates your rooting and actually
allows you to drain the attacker's energy to the ground
, or, in the alternative to bounce the attacker's energy
on the ground, then attach it to your own while
returning the entire packet to the attacker.
Drill #2 (Impulse)
In Drill #2, An is short,
condensed, like an impulse. Peng is explosive,
committed, sudden, full and rooted. Here, the window of
opportunity to detect the intent is compressed into a
much smaller parcel of time and energy. To succeed in
this drill, the defender must perfect the art of
listening . Listening is an art unto itself, and goes
far beyond the skill of direct auditory perception (i.e.
hearing sounds). It requires you clean your mind of all
distractions and listen with your entire being, much as
an empty mirror listens to the surrounding reality
by capturing all there is to be had. Remember, when
practicing impulse, the attacker and defender must
assist each other. This requires commitment to mutual
development. The attacker isn t working to humiliate or
frustrate the partner s responses. If the defender is
struggling, the attacker should modify impulse to allow
more opportunity to read. Keep in mind, this is a skill
which takes time to develop. Creating a base of
frustration imposes an obstacle to developing the art of
Drill #3 (Impulse with Load)
This is the culminating point
of your practice. Drill #3, combines the aspects of
impulse and power in the attack. The defender
consolidates the instincts nurtured in earlier drills
and applies them in a significantly more challenging
dynamic. Ultimately, perfecting this drill will become
your focus, as it will bridge your newly acquired skills
and heightened instincts, into your instinctive
Practice Properly
Now that you have the layout
of the drills, let's address how best to practice. We
recommend executing 10 repetitions Max to avoid
degradation of technique. Your partner "Ans" or pushes
10 times, with you responding, then...reverse roles. On
completing the cycle, take a brief pause, perhaps 30-60
seconds, then proceed to the next drill. Take another
pause, then go to the third. An alternative approach is
for one person to be the designated attacker, proceed to
exercise one, pause, exercise two, pause, and exercise
three, then switch.
We find both ways work fine,
choose how you will. Don't forget to work the opposite
side. Remember when one side of your body tires, switch
to the other, before the technique degenerates. Always
practice when your focus is highest. Stop a cycle if or
when the technique begins to degrade. Always remember
your habits develop most around patterns created in the
closing repetitions of a drill. Don't do so many
repetitions that you get lax or sloppy. Bear in mind,
you're programing your computer here. Quality in
ultimately produces quality out.
By way of quick summary,
this exercise will develop two primary skills:
1. Reading intent from
physical contact; and
2. Responding to an attack
in the moment between the attacker's intent and
his/her intended execution.
On a broader level, this first
glimpse into the ability to read intent will ultimately
bridge into all your strategic movements. In time,
you'll understand that within all of us, before there
exists an action, there is a thought. It's when that
thought attaches to your intent, that Chi emerges within
you to advance the complex of biomechanical responses
and transmissions which ultimately manifest as an
attack. It s that commitment to intent, which binds the
attacker into a conceptual spot where they are
momentarily exposed to the defender's consciousnes, and
from where the defender can mount a confident response.
This is a talent entirely different than countering your
partner s attack. A better description would be you are
pre-countering or pre-empting the attack.
"If an opponent doesn't move,
you don't move. If the opponent moves, you move first."
The opponent's first thought
of movement becomes your command to "go!"
Once you have digested the
physicality of these drills, and made the mental
adjustment to properly be on the lookout for intent, you
can further research these and like concepts by
following up with Push Hands training, or even
experimenting with these concepts in your own tactical
A final exercise, mentioned
only for purposes of experimentation, is when the person
executing "An" begins to compress the push into such a
small sliver of time, that it appears only as it
This is a high art, and
requires ultimate relaxation, converting into a nearly
unforeseeable authoratitative impulse. To succeed in
neutralizing an attack at that level, you mind must be
like an empty mirror.
Where all is void, where can
the dust alight?