of the Modern Fighting Knife
After my article "How to
Survive a Knife Attack" appeared in the July/September
(1985) editions of Ta e Kwon Do Times, several of my
friends in the martial arts, and fellow instructors of
the Pacific Northwest suggested I do another article,
taking a look at the different types and designs of
knife one might encounter in confronting a skilled
fighter. They felt once the martial artist understood
the rationale behind fighting knives he/she would be
able to "think through" the possibilities when
practicing technique and ultimately perfect a knife
defenses pertinent to every situation, no matter what
weapon the opponent has chose.
Originally, it was my
intention to give the reader an overview of how the
knife evolved as a tool and weapon. Moreover, I hoped to
give the reader a firm grasp of two major influences in
the design of the "modern" fighting knifes and to show,
through use of examples, how these influences continue
to manifest in virtually every notable fighting knife on
the market.
Origins of the
Modern Fighting Knife:
Experts generally agree
the knife was one of the earliest, if not the very
first, tool used by man. Throughout recorded history, it
has been intimately linked with man in his struggle for
survival against nature and the elements. When man first
learned to shape stone, creating a stone cutting
implement soon followed. The blade and the edge were
crucial in preparing food, clothing, and even shelter.
Most probably, the knife was a fundamental tool in day
to day affairs long before its value in combat became
established. So fundamental was the link to man, that
with each passing state of development, stone, bronze,
iron, steel, and alloy, the knife advanced to new levels
of functionality as a tool, implement, and weapon.
Even today, it is a
natural part of our daily routine. It would be unusual
for anyone to dispute they held knives in their hands at
least five times any given day. There are a multitude of
knives of various types and functions in every
household, and at an early age, we understand the
fundamental mechanics of using one safely and
The knife fills several
roles in modern lifestyles. These roles can be
categorized as functional, life support, ceremonial,
survival and self defense. In earliest times, the role
of the knife was primarily survival and self defense. A
knife was integral to one's ability to exist in a
hostile environment, and in primitive societies, it was
a valuable item indeed. The knife may have been the
first true combat weapon, and paved the way for more
sophisticated combat techniques when, with proper
construction, it could be thrown effectively; or
attached to a staff for use at a distance.
As combat techniques advanced, distancing
from the opponent became more important and the greater
the distance, the better. Weapons evolved from the club
to the spear, to the bow, and then to the gun. With each
technological advance, the self defense role of the
knife diminished. Prior to the arrival of the 19th
century, blade training was an essential part of a
gentleman's education. Today's combat strategies have so
reduced the possibility of ever having to face an enemy
in hand to hand combat, that even in the modern
military, knife training is reserved only for those
select few whose training in areas of subterfuge require
it. Nonetheless, the knife has never lost its identity
as a weapon, and for many, it remains the weapon of
choice in close combat.
As the survival/self
defense roles of the knife fall to specialized segments
of our society, it remains top of the list in terms of
its ubiquitous presence in modern day assaults and
robberies. A cursory glance through any newspaper shows
the number of assaults, attacks, robberies, and murders
involving the knife far outstrips those involving other
weapons. Hence, it is imperative a citizen of the modern
world be able to react to the knife confrontation. In a
previous article I presented an assortment of viable
techniques. Here, we'll study the weapon.
The Bowie Knife and
the Dagger:
The modern fighting knife
traces its development to two classic knife designs, the
Bowie knife, made famous by the American adventurer
James Bowie; and the Dagger, resurrected by commandos
during World War II, and influential ever since.
The Bowie knife is a
classic design by any standard. Conceived and refined in
the 19th century, it climaxed the transition
period form the long bladed weapon, or sword being the
primary individual weapon, to the pistol. With the
pistol, the sword met its quick and deserved demise, but
the need remained for a well designed "close in" weapon
for those situations where the pistol was no longer
appropriate (such as when there wasn't ample time to
reload the discharged pistol).
The Bowie knife was ideal
for the "gentleman" who had already been schooled in the
use of the long blade or sword, and in many respects, it
preserved enough characteristics of the sword to enable
the expert swordsman to become a skilled knife fighter
with minimal adjustment. Because of its breakthrough
design, as well as the legend of the man whose name it
bore, the Bowie was widely established and accepted by
the time of the Civil War.
Given modern theories of
knife fighting, especially after the influx of
innovative knife techniques from the Orient during
recent years, the applicability of the Bowie knife has
been called into question. Criticism has focused on the
traditional single edge blade, the unwieldy weight
distribution, and the difficulty employing a reverse
hand grip with the traditional design. Valid as these
points are, the bottom line is that even with the
detractors, world class knife fighters continue to swear
by the Bowie knife, and it's here to stay.
The Dagger, or spike, waxed and waned in
popularity throughout history. The reincarnation which
surfaced during World War II was approximately 11 inches
in total length, had an edge on both sides, and was
diamond shaped when looking down the length of the knife
from the tip. Its smaller size, with a cutting edge on
both sides of the blade, revolutionized the offensive
techniques of Western knife fighting, opening up new
theories of movement, including the use of slashes, and
reverse hand movements which would have been impractical
with the traditional Bowie design.
Today, virtually all
knives are patterned after the Bowie or the Dagger, or
attempt to capitalize on the advantages of each design
in a "combined" concept. In the following paragraphs, I
intend to demonstrate the influence of these designs in
fighting knives being produced today, afterwhich I will
conclude with those elements of design which I feel are
essential in my personal choice for an "ideal" fighting
Bowie Influence
The SAS (Special Air
The SAS nicely
demonstrates the "highlights" inherent in the Bowie
Design. Visible on first glance are the Bowie "look,"
demonstrating the unique proportion between handle and
blade, the ever present hand guard, and the classic
Bowie blade, which can run up to 12 inches in length in
a modern knife.
The SAS, while
preserving the integral concept, has incorporated some
significant modifications to circumvent the inherent
weaknesses of the traditional design.
1a: The Bowie influence on this weapon is
readily apparent. The special shape of the
handgrip and guard allows for maximum grip
efficiency, and comfortable placement of the
thumb for enhanced control. Note the razor
sharp edge on both sides of the blade, and
the optional "notch" or "blade snapper,"
preferred by some fighters.
1b: Careful use of the "notch" can snare,
control, and perhaps even snap an opponent's
1c-e: The unique contour of the SAS
hand guard allows for a comfortable
reverse hand grip, opening up
counters not normally available with
the Bowie design.
The sample shown has a
unique handle, and taper to the hand guard, allowing a
very comfortable, and effective reverse hand grab. The
top of the blade does have a razor sharp edge, opening
up an array of slashes and reverse cuts not feasible
with the traditional design. Lastly, the unique cut in
the blade at the hand guard allows the hand guard to
"catch" the opponent's blade when executing blocks, and
according to the designer, a skilled fighter might even
apply this design to "snap" the opponent's blade, while
executing a blocking technique.
The Rezin Bowie:
2: The Rezin Bowie
The Rezin Bowie
demonstrates the traditional Bowie "size." Looking at
this particular version, it is easy to understand why a
"gentleman" trained in the sword, found it an easy
transition to adapt to the Bowie. The Rezin Bowie also
incorporates some modern concepts as offsets to
weaknesses in the traditional design. The handle
presents a "tailored" grip, thereby form fitting the
knife to the shape of the owner's hand, enabling him to
more efficiently control and maneuver the blade in a
fight. Also the blade presents a more symmetrical look
than the traditional design, which in conjunction with
the sharpened edge, almost gives the weapon the
appearance of an overgrown dagger.
The Combat Survivor:
3a: The Combat Survivor
3b: Close-up of the unique hand guard and
custom grip of the combat survivor.
This descendant of the
Bowie concept is notable for its enhanced hand guard,
and a tailored handle grip. As the accompanying
photographs show, the careful design of the handgrip and
hand guard allow for maximum combat efficiency even when
using a reverse grip with the unique design.
3c-e: The specially designed hand grip on
the Combat Survivor is comfortable with
virtually all grips.
Dagger Influence
The Raider:
4a: The Raider
4b: Optional thumb notches can be carved at
the base of the Raider's handle for improved
4c: The Raider's blade consists of two major
edges, and two minor edges, all razor sharp.
All of the elements of the
classical dagger design are immediately evident in the
Raider. The weapon is a carefully shaped bar of steel,
perfectly weighted, with two razor sharp cutting edges,
and a unique handle design, allowing maximum control,
quick maneuverability, and strong action when necessary.
Incorporated in this design are some modern improvements
on the original concept. The blade preserves the original
diamond shape, but capitalizes on that shape by creating
two additional edges on the minor aspects of the diamond.
In hand to hand combat, the Raider can deliver a major cut
from virtually any direction. Another modification is the
thumb notch at the apex of the handle. These allow
enhanced thumb control for the fighter who prefers
vertical or diagonal slashing attacks. Similarly, the
Raider provides a flat thumb platform at the top of the
handle to maximize grip and thumb control for the fighter
who favors the side to side, or angular slash. All told,
the Raider is the weapon for someone who is serious about
his knife fighting. In terms of concealability,
portability, and versatility it would be hard to come up
with a more effective design.
The Raider II:
5a-b: The Raider II...two
5c: The extended handle of the
Raider II is a weapon in its own
5d: Closeup of the thumb notch
carved into the handle platform of
the Raider II.
This modification of the
original Raider design is a favorite among military
commandos because of its non glare/ non reflective
construction. Important for secondary fighting tactics
is the length of the handle, allowing it to serve as an
additional, blunt end striking/or controlling surface.
Nicely visible in the photographs is the unique "thumb
notch," inserted to enhance the grip control for the
fighter who favors the side to side slash.
Though it is difficult to
find any modern knife design that drifts far from the
influence of either the Bowie or the Dagger, it is
nonetheless true to state that modern knife makers are
forever searching for that ultimate combination of
design and technology leading to the yet undiscovered
perfect design. Currently two major trends are evident
in the trade. First, as was clear throughout this
article, knife makers continue to study, research, and
refine the classical Bowie/Dagger designs, gradually
weaning away drawbacks inherent in the traditional
concepts, and attempting to incorporate the best
features into hybrid designs for the future. Second,
some designers are evolving entirely new approaches,
based upon careful study of the anatomy and modern
breakthroughs in knife fighting tactics. Below, we will
look at two examples which epitomize the current trends
in knife design.
Kopf Jager...A merger of the
traditional Bowie and Dagger
influences. The contour of the rear
hand guard of the Kopf Jager
provides a comfortable fit for the
fighter's thumb, increasing leverage
in vertical slashes.
thumb notch carved into the handle
of the Kopf Jager allows for
superior grip in sideways movements
and straight in thrusts.
The Kopf Jager:
Aptly demonstrating
efforts of the modern knife maker to amalgamate fine
points of the Bowie to the Dagger in a modern design is
the Kopf Jager. This is a classic design in its own
right, melding the two philosophies into a perfectly
functional, versatile unit. Immediately apparent is the
traditional Bowie handguard, modified to accommodate
varied handgrips. Note the thumb notch carved into the
custom handle, and how the rear contour of the hand
guard allows for comfortable placement of the thumb so
that maximum thrust/slash penetration is comfortable
with virtually any grip. The graceful taper of the blade
into the turnaway hand guard opens up new strategic
avenues for effective use of the handguard in defending
and exploding into quick counters. Lastly, a further
study of this unique blade reflects the Bowie influence
in its design, and the Dagger influence in its balance
and symmetry. This is truly a weapon for the experienced
fighter, and seeing one in the hands of an opponent
should certainly signal the defender that a difficult
confrontation lay ahead.
The Devil's Spike:
7a-c: The blade of the Devil's Spike is
designed to inflict maximum injury and the
unique handle assures maximum penetration in
the thrust .
Proving that modern knife
makers still have plenty of creative juices is the
Devil's Spike. It is safe to say that this weapon stands
alone, and comes from a different family tree than
either the Bowie or the Dagger. The three edged blade
with its cutaway spoon base is a surgeon's nightmare,
producing wounds to internal organs that are
painstakingly difficult to close, if not impossible.
This weapon is for the consummate specialist who
routinely goes for targets on the trunk of the body, and
has perfected his attacks to hit designated areas
virtually at will. Equally as extraordinary as the
futuristic blade is the wide bodied handle, with carved
thumb notch. This design greatly enhances leverage and
penetration for the fighter who favors powerful thrusts
into his opponent's vital organs.
for the Ideal
8a: The Kauffroath
Whenever I do a knife
fighting seminar, students inevitably come to me with
the question "What is the best knife for the average
person?" The answer is that even the finest knife
becomes a mediocre weapon when put into the hands of the
"average" person. Unless you take knife fighting
seriously enough to study it as a martial art in its own
right, you're throwing money away buying a custom knife.
However, once you've made the commitment to the art, you
will quickly discover there is a particular size and
weight relationship that makes some knives feel
especially comfortable in your hand. Though I think the
Bowie is a terrific weapon, as a martial artist I feel
the tactical advantages of a double edged weapon are so
overwhelming that the student of knife fighting would
seriously limit his/her fighting style by training with
a single edge blade. My preference is for the blade to
be as simple as possible, with the taper confined to the
tip of the blade, with the balance maintained by even
width. This allows for a quick penetration into the
opponent and ease of removal afterwards. The
8b-c: The extended butt end of the
Kauffroath allows for an additional
striking/control surface.
handguard is an optional
item for most fighters, and unless it is very carefully
designed, can cause problems with concealability, excess
weight, balance, and handling. Still, I am convinced the
handguard opens up new vistas for the fighter willing to
expand his/her style, and I recommend it for my ideal
knife. Lastly, I prefer a "neutral" or simply designed
handle, allowing for quick change of handgrip, and
transfer of the weapon from one hand to the other. The
butt of the handle should extend far enough beyond the
hand grip so that it becomes a functional part of the
knife fighter's arsenal as a striking or control
Once, after a seminar, a
gentleman by the name of Roy Kauffroath from Bremerton,
Washington (eventually we became lifelong friends) asked
me what I felt were the ideal features of a fighting
knife. Essentially, I responded with the same comments
as above. To my surprise and delight, when I next
encountered Mr. Kauffroath, he presented me with a
practice weapon, custom made to my specifications. So,
thanks to Mr. Kauffroath, we have the accompanying
photographs of the "Kauffroath," or what I feel to be
the ideal design for my personal fighting style.
In researching this
article, I was astonished at the dedication, expertise,
and creativity brought by modern knife makers to their
art. Meeting with them brought to mind images of
medieval Japanese craftsmen bringing generations of
knowledge to bear in creating bladed weapons which have
become standards for all time. Until meeting the modern
craftsmen, I never anticipated the same "impeccable"
attitude would be found today, and was delighted to
learn it was prevalent among this unique guild.
8d-h: A well conceived knife, such as the
Kauffroath, opens up multiple grips and
attacks not available with lesser knives.
My first instructor in the
art of knife fighting stressed that by carefully studying
the weapon as held, I would be able to better understand
my opponent. In the case of the experienced knife fighter,
his selection of design is largely determined by his
strengths and weaknesses, maximizing the former, avoiding
the other. Learning to "read the knife" tells much about
the opponent before he even moves.
In the course of this article, we have presented the
major influences in current knife design, and have
demonstrated these influences with numerous examples.
You are well on the road toward being able to "read"
your opponent. The rest is up to you!
In closing, I must
acknowledge a special debt of gratitude to Paul Inman,
Brad Dugan, and Joe Karreci of Pacific Northwest Gun and
Knife, Ltd. Without their generous gift of time and
their help in collecting the sample weapons described
herein, this article would not have been possible.
Author's Note: This
article was originally written in 1985, but holds true
today. Pacific Northwest Gun and Knife, Ltd.
eventually shut down with Paul Inman, Brad Dugan, and
Joe Karreci continuing their pursuits elsewhere. Their
creations, some of which are shown in this article,
were among the finest specimens of fighting weapons I
have ever seen.