comes a time in the life of every martial artist where multiple
airborne kicks are forever locked in the past, along with full
contact, and falls to solid surfaces. I too can remember
when I was young and invincible. Frankly, it’s now a
distant dream!.
An essential tenet of Gun Fu is that every practitioner must
continue to improve with each passing year. Generally,
skill level should double with each level of rank. In the
same vein, you should, like a very fine wine, improve with age,
producing your greatest achievements as you approach your final
sunset. That is not to deny there are injuries, or even
physical limitations which meld into who you are as you
mature. But good Gun Fu means finding the answer, and that
answer can never be to “give up” or to “quit”.
Ancient Fury (also referred to as Ancient Master) represents one
of many forms in the Gun Fu system designed to be executed by
someone whose fundamental skills are sound, but which does not
require the physical flamboyance of youth (hence its
name). It demands confident movement, efficient speed, and
complex cane work, as a conceptual fight unfolds against
multiple attackers, all of whom lay defeated at the end.
The Cane is often overlooked in martial arts training.
Frankly, it combines much of what you can find in the study of
Nunchaku, with movement of the Jo, and the lightning strikes of
Arnis. Some have even convincinbly demonstrated a direct
link between the Cane and Sword.
Within Gun Fu, Cane is a complete subsystem, taking 1-2 years to
learn. Typically, those who make the effort puzzle over how they
overlooked this unique weapon in the first place.
Ancient Fury/Ancient
Master (the form)
Ancient Fury/Ancient
Master (details)
Demonstrating Basics
Here’s a look at the form taken and
reworked by someone else, which of course you are
free to do. Our job is to build upon what came
before, and add to it. Make it better if you can
find a way to do so, and are so disposed. This is my
friend from Tacoma Tai Chi, Prof. Sid Olufs (Pacific
Lutheran University).
If you’d like to
learn more about cane,
click here
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