GUN FU TEST---GREEN BELT (5TH KYU) PHILOSOPHY AND CONCEPTS What is the mission and goal of Gun-Fu? Define the Spirit, Heart, Body and Mind of Gun-Fu. Explain the Cardinal Points of Gun-Fu.
Demonstrate the five breathing drills. SCORE: STANCES Execute and demonstrate the 15 stances of Gun-Fu, as they are given to you. Be prepared to explain in detail. SCORE: HAND TOOLS Execute the 29 hand tools of Gun-Fu. Each will be called out by one of the panel members, and you will provide 10 spontaneous applications at combat speed. SCORE: FOOT TOOLS You will execute foot tools #1-13 (5 kicks with each leg) as they are called to you by members of the panel. SCORE: MULTIPLE KICKS You will perform 3 variations of each of the following types of combination kick patterns, executing each variation 3 times from each side. ---Double kicks (alternating legs) ---Double kicks (same leg) ---Five kick combinations SCORE: SELF DEFENSE You will execute a minimum of 3 responses to each of Self Defense attacks #1-8. Maximum permitted response time is 1 second. SCORE: FIGHTING DRILLS 1. Execute and demonstrate the Punching Standard, left and right. 2. Execute and demonstrate the Kicking Standard, left and right. 3. Execute and demonstrate the continuous strike hand drill (ABC drill). SCORE: KATA 1. Breathing Kata. 2. Standard #1. 3. Standard #2. 4. Your Selection. 5. Your Selection. 6. Your Selection SCORE: COMMENTS/TALLY
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